Event Website
Embracing the Enneagram as a Verb means moving from memes and stereotypes to actionable transformation. Inner work is about encouraging curiosity and understanding, kindness and compassion, and sensation and right action. Here and now is our eternal opportunity to move forward, embrace healing, and honor all people everywhere, including ourselves. Join us online on July 25th as we come together to listen without judgment and open ourselves to wholeness and love with our minds, hearts, and bodies. All are welcome!
July 25, 2020
Everyone will have online access to all sessions for 30 days after the conference.
IEA members will have access for 5 years on IEA Nine Points.
More Details and Registration
Scholarship Request Form
(July 23 Scholarship Deadline)
Keynotes available online for 30 days, watch anytime
Jerry Wagner
Enneagram Styles and Levels and Methods of Change
Micky ScottBey Jones
Passions, Pandemics & Protests: Meeting the Moment with our Strengths & Struggles
Live Featured Presenters
available online for 30 days, watch anytime
Moving the Race Conversation Forward with the Enneagram
Debbi Horton and Rev. Tyler Sit
Reconcile Yourself: IQ/EQ/GQ: Exploring The Enneagram Harmony Triad Model
Clare Loughrige & panelists: Dr. Phaedra Blocker, Danielle Fanfair, and Rev. Scott Loughrige
How Do We Value Freedom?
Susan Olesek and Enneagram Prison Project Ambassadors
Your Enneagram Centers: The Value, Survival Need and Dominant Function
Leslie Hershberger
From Awareness to Consciousness: What Does it Mean to be "Holy"?
Dr. Ginger Lapid-Bogda
More Details and Registration
Pre-recorded Sessions
available online for 30 days, watch anytime
Enneagram Wings to Fly
Kathryn Grant
Transforming Symbols: The Stomachion of Archimedes and the Enneagram
Adele Ver Steeg
Voice Patterns for Different Enneagram Types
Cynthia Zhai
Integrating the Enneagram and the Gallup Strengths
Chris Heinz
Enneagram for Work Teams
John Knox
Bring the Enneagram into your REALWORK
Teresa McCloy
The Enneagram and Your Emotional Mastery
Andrea Isaacs
Acting Lessons for Living
Ruthie Landis
Enneagram: Through the Eyes of a Person of Color
Leanette Pokuwaah
Setting Healthy Boundaries Using Your Type’s Wellness Map
Rosemary Hurwitz
Enneagram & Spiritual Direction: Ancient Streams of Wisdom
Dr. Lori Tate
Registration Fee
$125 for IEA Members
$115 for registrants 30 years old and younger
$145 for everyone else
Scholarships available
Email ieagreatlakesregion@gmail.com or info@mn-iea.org for scholarship information.
10 am - 12:15 pm Central Daylight Time
Live Opening Session and Keynote with Jerry Wagner
1:30 - 3:15 pm CDT
Your Choice of Live Featured Presenters
3:30 pm - 5:15 pm CDT
Your Choice of Live Featured Presenters
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm CDT
Live Endnote with Micky ScottBey Jones
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm CDT
Live Panel with Micky ScottBey Jones and Jerry Wagner
More Details and Registration
This IEA Regional Conference is co-hosted by the IEA Minnesota and IEA Great Lakes chapters and our sponsor, First Analysis Institute.
First Analysis Institute of Integrative Studies is a school that admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the Institute. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Session Descriptions
Enneagram Styles and Levels and Methods of Change
Jerry Wagner
Levels of Therapeutic Approaches in exploring and changing the layers of Personality
- Radical Behaviorism and the level of behavior
- Cognitive Therapy and the level of adaptive and maladaptive schemas
- Psychodynamic Therapy and the level of early and current interpersonal dynamics
- Existentialism and the level of the four givens of life that all must confront
- Pastoral Counseling and discerning the invitation and guidance of God in the events of our life
BIO: Jerry Wagner, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, supervisor, psychotherapist and consultant in private practice, and is a retired teaching professor in the Department of Psychology and Institute of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University, Chicago. Introduced to the Enneagram system in 1971, Dr. Wagner was among the earliest students of the Enneagram in the United States. Jerry has taught a graduate level course on the Enneagram in the Institute of Pastoral Studies since 1980. Jerry was recently honored by being named an IEA Founder and was the keynote speaker at the IEA’s 2010 Conference, IEA China’s 2013 Conference, and IEA Finland’s 2017 Conference. Jerry is the author of Nine Lenses on the World: the Enneagram Perspective and The Enneagram Spectrum of Personality Styles: an Introductory Guide. He has produced a CD and audiocassette series Two Windows on the Self: the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs and has published articles in the Enneagram Monthly, The Enneagram Journal, and the IEA’s NinePoints Bulletin.
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Passions, Pandemics & Protests: Meeting the Moment with our Strengths & Struggles
Micky ScottBey Jones
Reflecting on our work with the Enneagram to understand our struggles, gifts and ways of being during a time of fear, pain and social change can help us reflect on ourselves and be transformed by this moment. Let’s explore how our understanding of type and instinct can help in this moment.
BIO: Micky ScottBey Jones - the Justice Doula - accompanies people as they birth more love, justice and shalom into our world. As a womanist, faith rooted, contemplative activist, healer, movement chaplain, certified Enneagram coach and trainer and nonviolence practitioner, Micky supports students, clergy, activists and everyday leaders in a variety of roles - speaker, writer, facilitator, pilgrimage guide, consultant and teacher. She is the Director of Resilience and Healing Initiatives with the Faith Matters Network. Named one of the Black Christian leaders changing the world in Huffington Post, Micky travels the world exploring peacemaking and justice movements in different contexts, spreading revolutionary love, storytelling, engaging in authentic conversations, co-creating transformative experiences - and most importantly - she never passes up a dance floor.
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Moving the Race Conversation Forward with the Enneagram
Debbi Horton & Rev. Tyler Sit with video interviewees
In contrast to the belief that racism is a personal choice, we will explore racism as a collective, often subconscious, reality that affects literally every person who grew up in Western cultures. Like our Enneagram types, racism tells a story of who we are, that is in reality, incomplete. We will explore how each type can fall into the trap of perpetuating existing power structures, and how each type can leverage their strengths for positive change. We will engage video excerpts of interviews with people of color who have worked with the Enneagram.
This session invites participants to work toward antiracism, by identifying internalized narratives, staying in their bodies, and engaging presence practices. Video excerpts of interviews with BIPOC Enneagram friends are the heart of this session.
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Reconcile yourself: IQ/EQ/GQ: Exploring The Enneagram Harmony Triad Model
Clare Loughrige & panelists Dr. Phaedra Blocker, Danielle Fanfair, and Rev. Scott Loughrige
Clare will present and explore the Harmony Triad Model through a Christian/Trinitarian perspective and through the “eyes and experiences” of a diverse panel. Panelists will share specific practices from their harmony triad that bring individual wholeness and work for Societal Change in their settings.
Intro to Harmony Model
- Visio Divina - Seeing God
- Exploring Dismissed Child-Like Self in Harmony Triads
- Discovering a head-heart-gut motion mantra for wholeness
- Harmony practices in pandemic times with 3 panelists
- 1/4/7 Harmony Triad, Danielle Fanfair
- 2/5/8 Harmony Triad, Dr. Phaedra Blocker
- 3/6/9 Harmony Triad, Rev. Scott Loughrige
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How Do We Value Freedom?
Susan Olesek with ambassadors
The world is changing rapidly and for the first time in our lives, many of us are encountering what it means to be in “lockdown,” a well-known experience endured for years by thousands of our EPP students in prison. Compounding this, we are also now facing a heightened understanding of the systemic racism that has been oppressing black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) for generations. Never before has there been a more conducive climate in which to ask ourselves: How do we value freedom?
In this presentation, EPP Ambassadors, who found personal freedom before they were released from prison, will dialogue with the Founder of Enneagram Prison Project about how we at EPP are moving forward with great intention to democratize the Enneagram, a tool we know frees us from the prisons of our own making and how we can no longer afford NOT to come to a collective answer to this arresting question.
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Passions, Pandemics & Protests: Meeting the Moment with our Strengths & Struggles
Micky ScottBey Jones
Reflecting on our work with the Enneagram to understand our struggles, gifts and ways of being during a time of fear, pain and social change can help us reflect on ourselves and be transformed by this moment. Let’s explore how our understanding of type and instinct can help in this moment.
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Your Enneagram Centers: The Value, Survival Need and Dominant Function
Leslie Hershberger
One of the core Enneagram teachings is there are 3 centers of intelligence (head, heart and body) out of which we make sense of our world and relationships. Given our Enneagram type, we overuse one of these centers when our attention is hijacked and we operate on automatic.
Each center has a function which unconsciously supports a primary instinctual, mammalian survival need. For instance, the primary need of the Heart Types (2/3/4) is connection so this center functions by Doing. If you are a Heart Type, you are more likely to unconsciously shapeshift in order to make connection with your surrounding environment. Rather than “be,” you must “do” connection and if you can’t make connection with a desired person or group, you may feel an internal, physical sense of panic.
In this session, we look into each of these Centers: the extraordinary value of the intelligence, the core survival need and its dominant function. Panelists representing each of the 9 Enneagram styles will share how they experience themselves in this center. As you listen to the panelists, you’re invited to hear them from each of your centers: your Head Center supports understanding and clarity, your Heart Center supports compassion and empathy, while your Body Center (usually the least understood) gives you a “felt” experience of the panelist.
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Awareness to Consciousness: What Does it Mean to be "Holy"?
Dr. Ginger Lapid-Bogda
Let’s take a look at ourselves, both as individuals and as a community, in terms of the important difference between being aware and truly being conscious. Where are you and we in terms of our spiritual and psychological growth, how do we know, and what does it mean for us individually and collectively? Expect provocative ideas, honest conversation in small groups, and more! In these turbulent and uncertain times both in the world and in the Enneagram community, these conversations could not be more important!
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Pre-recorded workshops (these workshops will be available to participants whenever they want to view them)
Enneagram Wings to Fly
with Kathryn Grant
BIO: Kathryn Grant began studying the Enneagram in 1994, certified with Dr. Jerry Wagner in 1997 and currently co-teaches with Jerry in Enneagram Spectrum courses. She holds degrees from University of Illinois and Roosevelt University. Kathryn teaches workshops, leads retreats, and works with individuals as an Enneagram Coach. In June 2017, she completed a six-year term of office on the IEA Global Board - five years as Conference chair. Kathryn has presented at several International Enneagram Global Conferences
• Birds need two wings to fly. • Planes that lose a wing, crash. • Taking off, soaring and landing are delicate actions that require balance and finesse. This workshop offers attendees the opportunity to explore their wing dynamic and thereby develop a deeper, richer relationship with their home style. The Enneagram, a verb, is about movement, so taking a look at our wing dynamics helps us maximize balance. Assuming a clockwise direction, our proceeding wing pulls us toward the energies that are located there: whereas our proceeding wing pulls us “backward.” Our style, both stuck and stretched between these two opposite forces acts in resolution or synthesis of the two energies. Our wings offer balance, support, challenge, and solutions. Two exercises will follow an introduction to the wing dynamic. 1.) participants will identify and list positive aspects of their style, record their findings and post. 2.) Using art materials, each participant will create a picture of their home style and the potentials of their wings as a take-home reminder of the flowing movements inherent in the Enneagram. Join in: take off, soar and land!
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Transforming Symbols: The Stomachion of Archimedes and the Enneagram
with Adele Ver Steeg
We teach that the Enneagram symbol likely has Greek origins, given the Greeks’ development of mathematics and geometry, specifically the philosophy of Pythagoras and Plato’s use of geometric forms to describe and understand the Universe. But is the Enneagram symbol we know the same one transmitted by the Greeks? Might there be an earlier Greek version of Gurdjieff’s symbol, a proto-Enneagram? A geometric puzzle with third-century BCE Greek roots, known as the Stomachion of Archimedes, shares some intriguing similarities with the Enneagram, inviting investigation of the connections between them. In this highly visual presentation, we’ll become acquainted with the Stomachion and its complex history; see how the two symbols of wholeness map to each other using the Laws of One, Three, and Seven; and explore the provocative possibility that the Stomachion may be one in a line of geometric predecessors of Gurdjieff’s Enneagram, symbols of transformation, themselves transforming.
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Voice Patterns for Different Enneagram Types
with Cynthia Zhai
"The human voice is the organ of the soul," said Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Our voice is not just a tool to convey information. It reflects everything about you, your past, present, and potential. Listen to your voice and you'll hear the wisdom deep within you, showing you the access to your struggles as well as the pathways to remove your blockages, heal your wounds and become your true self. Voice is one of the most powerful tools to getting to know the Enneagram types from a deeper level, recognizing their passions and fixations and liberating them into their evolvement. Most people have overlooked or are ignorant of the critical role our voices play in day-to-day conversations. Neither have they paid much attention to the defining role our voices play in personal, professional, and spiritual growth. This interactive and experiential session will help you understand how the types struggles/passions show up in their voices and how you can help each type evolve through the development of the voice.
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Integrating the Enneagram and the Gallup Strengths
with Chris Heinz
In this session, a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach will help us understand the connection between these two popular tools. We’ll answer the questions such as: What do they have in common? How are they different from each other? Can you correlate Strengths with Enneagram Types? And if you’re interested in bringing the Enneagram to organizations, can Strengths make a way for the Enneagram to be accepted? Learn from original research and discover the integration secrets of drive and talent. Although many people separate these tools from each other, each provides vital insights into the other. Explore why drive without talent is powerless and why talent without drive is aimless. Chart your personal path for growth in your Type using your Strengths. You don’t want to miss this exciting and interactive session about Enneagram and Strengths!
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Enneagram for Work Teams
with John Knox
The participants will gain a new appreciation for work teams of all kinds utilizing the Enneagram as a basis for serving more effectively together. This knowledge enhances team efforts, leads to enhanced self-understanding, and sharpens the skills of the negotiators. This session will pay special attention to law enforcement, and teams assembled to serve suicidal individuals, or people that have taken hostages. Healthy negotiators serve well in life and death situations.
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Bring the Enneagram into your REALWORK
with Teresa McCloy
Knowing the Enneagram for your own understanding and self-awareness is a gift but deciding to use the tool of the Enneagram as a part of the work you are already doing can be overwhelming. How do I market? Who is my audience? What is my brand? How do I use technology and social media to get the word out? In this session, we will explore the different ways that the Enneagram can open doors to a deeper connection with the clients you serve and become an integral part of your business no matter who your clients are. You will gain new insights into identifying your niche, developing your own brand, and then marketing your services through technology, copywriting, and social media to your specific clients. This session will be an interactive session with live examples, worksheets, and group discussions. Participants will leave with clear action steps to begin bringing the Enneagram into their REALWORK environment.
Learn to identify how to integrate the tool of the Enneagram in the work you are currently doing as a coach or consultant. Participants will gain new ideas of ways to promote the use of the Enneagram through technology, copywriting, and social media as well as tools they develop specific to the clients and audience they serve.
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The Enneagram and Your Emotional Mastery
with Andrea Isaacs
Learn how to embody the Enneagram. You will move and you will DO the Enneagram. You might ask, “Why would I want to do that?” When you move the Enneagram, when you feel the different energies in your body, you learn that you can embody — • the confidence of the Eight, • the heart of the Two, • the joy of the Seven, etc. You will learn the Enneagram in a “bone-deep” and easy-to-remember way. You will learn how to embody the gifts of each of the types and how to step out of your dark shadow whenever it arises. And how to get un-stuck when the dark shadow of your type takes over. Embodying the Enneagram is the doorway to your Emotional Mastery. It gives you more choices in how you respond to challenges. You can live in alignment with your values and create the life you want. The Enneagram is not just a wealth of knowledge. It’s something you can actually use. Embodying the Enneagram gives you emotional flexibility and makes it much easier to navigate through life’s challenges. This session includes real-life examples with exercises that embody the Enneagram to shift your life experience. This is emotional mastery.
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Acting Lessons for Living
with Ruthie Landis
For those who ask “Now what?” after learning the Enneagram and want to put these teachings into real-life action, we’ll combine the Enneagram, Psycho-spiritual teachings like Jung’s Hero’s Journey, and Acting and Mask activities. We are all human-actors, hoping to play our life scenes with intention, presence, and fresh outcomes. In this workshop, we identify our masks (what we allow others to see), our secrets (what we hide from others and ourselves), our motivations (what we think we want that drives us through each life scene we play), and our strategies (the methods and behaviors we use to remove our perceived internal or external obstacles). Our desires are based on secret fears surrounding what we might lose or think we lack. Our challenge is to bring these unseen fears that control us into consciousness so we may see we already have within us what we think is missing. These misguided drives are shaped by our over-identification with our Enneagram type. Using improvisation, psychodrama, and mask creation, we loosen the grip of our instinctual roles, unveil our true selves and begin to play out the scenes of our lives with new clarity for our highest good.
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Enneagram: Through the Eyes of a Person of Color
with Leanette Pokuwaah
BIO: For Leanette Pokuwaah, Chicago certainly brings the scent of home for her. She is passionate about curating communal healing spaces through faith, social justice initiatives, and community. She is a writer, teacher, coach, and musician who is pursuing her Masters of Divinity and Social Work. She hopes to continue to bridge spirituality, mental health, and the Enneagram within communities of color. To learn more check out her out at www.enneastories.com.
This program will share each of the nine Enneagram narratives through the lens of a person of color. Often when the Enneagram types are taught and shared, what is missing is how the experiences of people of color is different from the narratives used to teach and help type people. The outcome is not only a whole community’s perspective erased but also the problem of mistyping and the generalizations of the experiences of people within the Enneagram teachings. What my program calls for is a highlighting of the ever complex and vast narratives and identities of people of color.
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Enneagram As A Verb: Setting Healthy Boundaries Using Your Type’s Wellness Map
with Rosemary Hurwitz
(Slowing Down the Stress Train) A review of the 9 types with strengths and challenges. A focus on the points of integration and disintegration, what I simply refer to as The Wellness Map, of each type, because it shows us our patterns and states of ease and well-being and states of unease and tension. Using the Enneagram's wisdom of the Wellness Map along with breath work to find our center, we set better boundaries within ourselves and with others. For example the Good Reformer, Type One can breathe into her stress of wanting to reform and make perfect with practicing breathwork and using the mantra which sets the boundary, "It is not always my problem." as a way to find and cultivate living from center. As she consciously unburdens herself, she enlightens into the unburdened space of the Type Seven experience of joy and gratitude. The group will participate in this type of centering practice for each type with breath work and a mantra that sets their needed boundary.
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Enneagram & Spiritual Direction: Ancient Streams of Wisdom
with Dr. Lori Tate
The Enneagram and spiritual direction are both tools of discernment. Discover how these two “ancient streams of wisdom” integrate naturally together helping people listen and trust their inner voice so that they can live rich and meaningful lives. Explore practices that invite participants to engage their heads, hearts, and hands (guts) which in turn foster their ability to be aware, understand, and respond to the situations in their lives. Share and learn from other Enneagram/spiritual director practitioners.
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